Friday, February 26, 2010

A New Beginning

So I've decided that I'm going to turn this into Dear Paisley, and as often as I can I'm going to write Paisley a letter about what she's done, what's been going on, and so on. You're welcome to read and keep fact I'd love for you to, but I've got to get back on the track of doing this for Paisley and not those that I hope read it. As much as I'd like, I can't always include pictures, and I've realized that's okay! With every milestone, new word, and funny face that I don't think is big enough to share with the world, I forget that this isn't for the world, it's for Paisley. She may want to know what silly things she did when she's older, and I just couldn't find the time to share it on here with her. But things are changing, and I'm making the time! So here's to Dear Paisley! :)

Dear Paisley,

Now that we have all been through the stomach bug this week, you are FINALLY back to your old self again! You have started saying what I think is "Uh oh, spaghetti o's" and it's absolutely adorable! You drop things and say your usual "uh oh", but now there's something after it that I can't quite make out. I went to pick you up at daycare yesterday, and you didn't even notice I was in the room! It was a little sad for me, but at the same time, I was proud that you were having fun and playing like such a big girl. You are starting to call Jeff "Daddy" even though every one else is "Mama", but when you call me "Mama", there's a slightly different emphasis and tone so I know you know I'm really your mama! :) Walking is your preferred choice of getting around these days, and you HATE it when someone tells you no. I really found that out the other day when you learned to flush the toilet and I told you not to do that.... You are like the Wal-Mart greeter every where we go, because you are always waving and saying bye-bye to random people. When we're in public, I get a "she's so cute" at least 3 times, usually more, and then you flash that toothless smile at them! You only have 2 teeth right now, so I'm guessing more will come all at one time. I hope that doesn't impare your birthday cake eating ability next week! The few little plans for your birthday are coming right along, and I hope you have a good time. It's been a while since we've been back to visit, so I know everyone misses you. Today is your last day at the Children's Academy since you start Presbyterian Day School next week! It's been a long time coming, but I think you're going to like it there. I've got to get back to work, but I hope you are having a great day with Ms. Erma! I love you!
Love, Mama
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