Dear Paisley,
Today is Swayze's due date and the day is almost over. Looks like I will be going to work tomorrow with yet another doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon. I've gotten a lot done today - 5 loads of laundry, a semi-clean house, and a little bit of homework. I guess it's a good thing lil sis didn't decide to come today as I obviously had too much to do around here anyway!
A lot of people have been checking on me today which really made the day a less aggravating. I think I'm aggravated because it's like waiting on someone to give you a surprise after they've already said "I've got a surprise for you, but I can't tell you what it is!" Ugh! I hate when people do that! Ha.
Oh, well. Tomorrow is another day and another possibility of having a baby. Maybe I can skip the doctor's office and go straight on to the hospital! Hey, a girl can dream, right?!? :)
Later Tater!