Dear Paisley,
It's hard to believe that Swayze is already 3 months old! At first, the two of you looked SO similar, but now she's starting to get her own look, and kind of favors me a tad! :) I'm thinking that the dark hair just might stick around.... When we got Swayze's shots a few weeks ago, she'd already grown to 13 lbs. 6 oz. and 24 inches long! She's 50th percentile in length and 95th in weight....not a big shocker since you were ALWAYS 95th and above in all categories!
Your dad and I have not been on a real vacation (outside of camping) since our honeymoon, and since we'd been working so hard over the past year with school, work, you, and the new baby, my parents thought it'd be nice to take a vaction to sunny Florida!

Let's just say that you really enjoyed yourself! :) I was very scared that you would be afraid of the waves and that we would have to spend the whole week at the pool (not that that would be a bad thing! ha!). But you had the best time in the waves and gathering sea shells. We even found a whole, unbroken chonch shell, which is super hard to do! I guess your first beach trip was a success!
We even got our first picture of our cute little family of four....thanks to Nana!

I tried to get us all some good pictures on the beach, but between the rain showers, the heat, and crying babies, we didn't get much....

I think we took more pictures in the Mexican restaurant than we did on the beach!!!

We definitely had a good time, but packing for myself and 2 girls is a chore! It may be another month before our suitcases are empty! :)
Not much longer until we're all back to the daily grind of school, work, and chores, so I think we'll just enjoy the next couple of weeks. Then I'll worry about unpacking.....
Until then,