Dear Sisters,
As of 11:00 pm last night, Paisley Rae is four years old! It's so hard to believe that before you got here your dad and I were "busy", with what I have no idea!?! I don't remember what we filled our time with because now it's full of cartoons, reading stories, playing games, and dressing up. I love to ask you how your day at school was and hear how "dramatic" it was because you had to move a feather! (That's the red light, green light system for those wondering!) You've made so many friends and I can only hope you have the same experiences growing up of love and acceptance from those around you. It was honestly overwhelming at all the kids that showed up at our house for your birthday! I really wasn't expecting that many to come! Even your cute little "boyfriend" Jace came! It was the best little party a four year old could have! Even Swayze Kate had the best time running and playing with all the "big kids". It was nice to see since I know the time is coming when y'all won't want to include her anymore. She always wants to do any and every thing you do, Paisley and that will probably never change. Please always keep that in mind! ;)
Paisley, I hope that your fourth year is better than all of your first three combined, and I hope that in the next year your dad and I can say or do things that make you a better person and prettier lady one day, inside and out. You and your sister are the best things this world has ever gotten, and I only hope you return the favor! ;)
All my love,
3 months ago