Another Monday after another fun weekend! Nana came to visit, which is always an excitement at our house. Of course she never comes empty-handed....We always end up with a cute new outfit, or some materials to make bows, or an adorable pair of shoes she found on sale, and this weekend was no exception.

Friday night we headed over to watch the Generals in the AAA playoffs...GO GENS! We won, so now we're headed to the State Championship this week!!! That should be fun since we will get to catch up with old friends that we haven't seen in a couple of years.

Saturday, Paisley had her first birthday party! It was at the Carousel for the cutest little boy named Grayson who was turning one. She did a lot better than I had expected on the carousel. She kept leaning over and "petting" the horse, and then she'd grab the reigns and shake them really fast. It was so cute! Then, Grayson opened his presents, and it was time for cake and ice cream. I didn't get many pictures because my camera decided it was time to run out of battery power.....I had just put them in there! Needless to say, that camera is back at Wal-Mart, and we have a new one. Still doesn't help me with the birthday party.....Anywho, Paisley had such a good time, and met so many cute little friends at the party!

That night, Nana kept Paisley so Jeff and I could have a night out together. It doesn't happen often, so we took full advantage of it! We came home to both of them sacked out in the recliner....They must have had a big time while we were away! Paisley has gotten the pulling up down pat....There's no stopping this child now! Now she's waving and saying "bye-bye", and she makes this new noise with her tongue. I swear that kid gets cuter and grabs a bigger piece of my heart every day!!! Sunday was bittersweet. We got to get in a little bit of shopping before Nana had to go home. When we got back home, Paisley was leaning against the sliding glass door waving and saying "bye-bye Nana". It was cute but sad at the same time. Good thing we get to see Nana again this weekend!!!