I can't believe how independent she's getting lately. It's getting crazy trying to keep her out of everything. Jeff and I are constantly trying to keep her entertained....Just when we think we've got it under control, and we take our eyes off for one second, she's headed toward Lexie's bowl, or grabbing the blinds, or pulling things off the shelves of the foyer table. She screams and cries if we have to take something from her she isn't supposed to have. I think for Christmas we're getting her boxes and hangers because I think she would rather play with those things than the floor full of toys she has!

She's got her Army crawl mastered! She does this thing where she uses her forearms to pull herself on her stomach and pushes with her toes. Every once in a while, she'll get on her knees and crawl normal, but her Army crawl is definitely more effective! That child can scoot!!!