Not much has gone on this week around our house. Paisley did learn a new animal sound though! She knows what her puppy says, what a fish "says", and now she knows what the duck says! She one smart cookie, even though I am a little partial!

Here she is in her Diva Googles at Nana's house. She's such a ham!

Then it was time for a good workout! Ha. She likes to roll the dumbbells back and forth across the floor because they make a funny noise. Never too busy to stop and cheese for the camera...

We've been trying all sorts of new foods lately. She really likes carrots and not so much of a fan of sweet peas. I can't say that I blame her for that one! We gave her a piece of a frozen potato to see if she liked it..... I guess the coldness of it felt weird to her, because everytime she got a piece of it, she would make the funniest faces. Then she would want another piece. Before we knew it, she had a mouthful of potatoes! She got tickled when we made her say "Ahhhh" and show us just what all she had in her mouth! :)
We've got less than 6 weeks until her birthday! I guess I need to get on the ball on this one. I've got all sorts of ideas, but I haven't done anything about any of them. Hopefully I can get some things accomplished this week!
Have a happy Sunday!