Well, we're there! Paisley took her first steps by herself last night!!! It was so exciting, and I was such a cheerleader for her last night that I completely forgot to get the camera out! I think she was surprised herself, but us cheering her on got her tickled. She kept wanting to try it because she was getting such a response from Jeff and me. At 10 months, 1 week, and 3 days old, we're on the move!!! I guess it's all downhill from here! :)

She loves taking pictures in her car seat. I love it too since it's the only place I can keep her still long enough to take one!
This is her before we left for daycare......

Halfway to daycare.....

By the time we got to daycare.....

Needless to say, she was a bit tuckered out from the night before!
I've been so busy the past couple of weeks getting ready for my Praxis II test that my pictures have been few and far between. I'm hoping to get the ones I have been able to take loaded up on here tonight before I stick my head back in a book!
Today is going to be a great day, especially since it's FRIDAY!!! :)