Dear Paisley,
My camera is dead and I've been too lazy to charge it so I'll have to post pics after church tomorrow (more on the recent laziness later!). We've been visiting Nana and Pappy and you've been having the best time! Nana got you a Little Tykes slide for $10 at the consignment sale (love consignment!!!), and you've been sliding ALL day!!!
You've matured so much in the last couple of weeks. You want to do so much more on your own lately, and you pick up on things so fast. You repeat everything we say now, and your daddy even has you saying "Holler at your boy!" He got that off of Madagascar so I'm not sure which is funnier....the fact that he's got you saying it (which is so cute!) or that a 31 year old man is quoting a cartoon movie that YOU have never seen! :) Some kids never grow up!
Now, the reason for all the laziness lately.....Your daddy and I think you might have a brother or sister on the way! In fact, we're pretty sure, but we go to the doctor this Thursday for confirmation. I asked you yesterday if you wanted a brother or a sister. At first you just said, "Yes!" and then you said you wanted water.....not sure what to think about that one! :) You're going to be an awesome big sister. I can tell by the way you baby your dolls. I can't wait until he/she gets here and I can see your face light up. It's going to be so much fun!!!
You're so much fun to watch and be around, and I find myself missing you even when you're asleep. You're my little buddy that stays attached to my hip (which I love!!!), and I wouldn't have it any other way. I only hope that the next one is half as neat of a kid as you are!
I'll let you know how Thursday goes!
Later Tater,
4 weeks ago