Dear Paisley,
Your mama has done this blog thing for a while now, and I have been meaning to give it a try....
You came along at a time in my life when I needed you most. There was a part of me that was gone for a long time, and you came along and made my life complete. I ask your mama every day how we got so lucky to have a little girl as cute and sweet as you? You truly have me wrapped around your finger. I love to hear you say "Daddy" and I love it when you fall asleep in my arms. Remember, just because I don't change as many diapers as your mama, that does not mean I don't love you. Mama deserves credit for most of your diapers, ha! I can't wait to get home to you and mama every day, and I hate it when I have late games and you are asleep when I get home. I miss you every minute I am away from you. I can't wait to watch you grow up, even though I will miss you being little. You have brought our whole family closer together without even knowing it. You and Mama are my whole world, and I cannot tell you how much y'all mean to me. I can't wait to take you to games or movies or hunting or fishing or shopping (whatever you prefer). I know there will be times when you are mad at me or thnk I am unfair. Always know I am trying to do what's best for you. No matter what, you will always be "Daddy's little girl". I will always love you 'til the end of the earth!
XOXO, Daddy
3 months ago