Here lately, I haven't been blogging every day because I didn't think that I had anything to write about. In talking to my mom the other day, she reminded me why I started this blog in the first place, and that's for Paisley to see what all she does and accomplishes everyday. I'm not the best at scrapbooking because I think it's too time-consuming, even though I would love to be able to! I have all the cute pages and decorative scissors, pictures printed out and in a box just ready to be inserted beside a cute caption, but when it comes down to it, I would rather sit in the floor and play with Paisley. Then a week later, I have a hard time remembering what all we did or what day she hit each milestone. I'm starting to get a little aggravated at myself about it, so I figure today, on her 9 month birthday, I'll start doing better!!!

We went to the doctor this week to find out Paisley has RSV. It's an upper respiratory virus that is basically like a bad cold and bronchitis. She's better with hugs and antibiotics. :) Anyway, I said that to say this.....she is off the charts in height and weight! I don't mean just above the 95th percentile. I mean not even registered. She is taller than ALL of the American girls her age. She has grown almost
2 inches in less than a month and a half!!! She weighs 26 lbs. and is 31" long!!! She's almost 3 feet tall and hasn't even reached her first birthday yet. I guess with men over 6 feet tall on both sides of the family, she has a good chance of being tall.

She also likes the help with the laundry these days. I hope she's this big of a help when she's older! :)

I'm super excited about Paisley's first Christmas, but at the same time, I'm a little nervous. This year will set the tone and routine for the years to come, and I just hope we start out on the right foot. Being the only girl grandchild on one side and the only grandchild period on the other, she is definitely set up to get spoiled. However, I don't want her to get the wrong idea about Christmas even though she's only 9 months old. I really think I'm over-thinking this whole thing, but it feels good to vent a little. Haha.

Here is Paisley's new smile! She has started smiling way bigger now that she has teeth to show off! She has gotten so independent these days wanting to let go of whatever she's got helping her stand up. She forgets sometimes that her balance is a little off....

My high school alma mater (South Panola) is playing in their 9th consecutive State Championship game tonight. We'll be watching on tv, so good luck tonight! In my mother's words...."It's too cold, we're too old, and we can't stay up long enough to make the drive back!" Sorry guys, we won't be there physically, but we're still rooting for you! Go Tigers!!!