Oh, Mondays are SO not my favorite day! After spending the weekend with my family, I have to get back into the dreaded routine of taking Paisley to daycare, only to have her cry as I leave, making tears well up in my eyes! Then I have to go to the office where the seconds tick by unbearably slow until I can pick her up and rejoin my family for the night, all to get up and do it again the next day. I envy stay-at-home moms more and more every Monday!

Which, by the way, I did not pass the Praxis II (like that was unexpected! Ha!). So I'm geared up and ready for try #2 on January 9th. I guess we'll see this time just what a little studying can do.

I love Christmas, I love this child, and I love how Christmas makes me love this child even more! I don't know what we ever did before Paisley got here. Now, we find ourselves just watching her. Jeff gets so aggravated when I say "look at her" or "watch her" when she does something she's done 1,000 times already! Then, when I'm reviewing the pictures on my camera of her, I can't bring myself to delete any of them, even though they are terrible or even blurry. I'm absolutely eaten up with this little angel, and it gets worse and worse every day!

She's a natural in front of the camera, that's for sure! Last night we kept taking pictures because every time we get the camera out, she stops and smiles real big. Now she does it when you get your phone out too, since she knows her daddy takes pictures with his.

I couldn't get enough pictures of this kid yesterday! Normally, it takes SEVERAL tries to get her to be still and take a decent picture, but she was ready to go last night.

Here she is ready to go to day care this morning in her Christmas OshKosh Overalls! It wasn't long after this she decided she wasn't so excited about daycare and wanted to stay with me. I hate that part of the day!!! :(