I love Christmas time, especially the few days right before it. Three years ago, today, Jeff asked me to marry him in his brother's kitchen, right where we had met 4 years prior to that. He said he had this plan of doing it Christmas Eve, but once he had the ring, he couldn't wait! (Sweet, right!?!) So he hid it in a ceramic high heel shoe that was an "early Christmas present" that I just HAD to open right then! Long story short, I was then sending mass text messages and making a midnight run to Wal-Mart for bridal magazines, and the rest is history!

This is us at my parents' house that weekend three years ago.
Seven years after that first meeting, here we are with a beautiful baby girl, good health, good jobs, and wonderful family willing to go to the ends of the Earth for either one of us.

Christmas is always a happy time for both of us, and now we can share that with Paisley. We are so blessed to have a situation where we can spend the holidays with both of our families in an environment of love and happiness, which is hard to find a lot of times during such a hectic and busy time of year.
I've got to get busy finishing up my Christmas shopping! Hopefully I'll be able to get on here before Christmas and update you on Paisley and all she has done the last week!
Tata for now!