This week I also got her signed up at the best daycare in the city. We're on a waiting list until late Spring, but at least we're guaranteed a spot! This place is amazing. There are NO tv's, which I love, and they have a time on Wednesdays where the pastor sings fun Bible songs with them. They learn to write their name in the 3 year old class, and they actually have scheduled instruction for the toddler classes. I tried to get her in there when we first moved here, but the waiting list was until January and needed something right then! I just know Paisley will love it there when she's able to go.

We are at the stage where she's learning the word "no". She knows what it means and can pretty much figure out when we're going to say it before we do. She'll come up to the cabinet and try to open it. When I give her the "you're not supposed to be doing that look" she looks at me and shakes her head no! She knows, but doesn't always follow through!!!

Have a Happy Hump Day!