You had one heck of a party Saturday! Everybody we invited came, and you had a ball...until it was time to open presents. You pitched a fit when we would try to get you to open anything, and when I was trying to film you, you flopped out in the middle of the floor! The only thing I got on camera was you crying....I'm saving it for when you get older! :) Nana and Pappy got you a really neat wagon with a canopy, and you loved it! You rode in it for an hour and a half before everyone got there!

I went super cheap on the decorations by making everything, but I thought it turned out really cute!

Here's a picture of the cake and yours side by side. Emileigh's in Oxford made it, and it was delicious!!! I thought it turned out really cute seeing we didn't really have an idea of what we wanted. We'll probably be sending Emileigh some business since the cake was such a hit! :)

Back in the wagon we went since that was the only thing you would do and not cry! You put your giraffe in there with you and kept dancing to "My Girl" because you kept pushing the button on his hand. I guess we need to install a radio in the wagon for you to listen to your tunes!

You had such a good time with all the kids that came! Asa kept wanting you to get in the floor and play with him, but you wanted him to get up and play with you! It was cute how y'all kept tugging on each other trying to play! It's neat to get to see Asa and see what he's doing since y'all were due so close together. You ended up being 4 weeks apart! He's kind of like your brother from another mother! Not really, but I just wanted to say that so when you read this when you're older, you'll have something to roll your eyes at say "Mooommmm!" :)

Kadyn and Kasen came too! They are such cute kids! Kadyn wasn't much on getting her picture taken though....

Then it was cake time! Even though we had practiced on you actual birthday, you still had no interest in smashing your smash cake. You just stuck your finger in it and wouldn't even taste it. When I tried to feed you some off a spoon, you spit it out! I guess you didn't get a sweet tooth like me!!!

Aunt Christina got you a cute little butterfly nap mat to take to daycare. You put it on your back and would have gone everywhere with it had we let you. You kept falling backwards since it was so heavy! You definitely got some cute stuff at your party! Problem now is finding a place to put it all in this apartment!

Then it was back out to the wagon to ride with Taylor. He liked it just as much as you did....I had to ride him around the driveway SEVERAL times too!

I hope you had a good time this weekend, especially getting to see so many people that love you and care about you. I love getting together with everyone since we're all so busy during the year, and having a chance to catch up. God-willing, we'll have another one....same time, same place! :) Happy First Birthday, Paisley! May you have many, many, many more!
Love, Mama