Here's a typical, in fact VERY routine day for us:
5:30: Alarm goes off
5:45: Usually time to feed Paisley
6:00: Second alarm goes off :)
6:30: Finally get out of bed and get into the shower
7:00: Get bottles/juice ready for daycare and finish getting ready for work and get Paisley dressed and ready for daycare and make sure Jeff's up and in the shower
7:45: (If I'm lucky...)We head out to daycare and work
8:15: Get to work, get on Facebook, update Dear Paisley
8:30-5:00: Meetings, lunch, work
5:00: Rush to daycare to pick up Paisley
5:30-6:30: Play with Paisley, feed her
6:30: Start dinner while watching Wheel of Fortune (Paisley always wants them to pick "A" and "E"!)
7:30: Do dishes, play with Paisley
8:00-8:30: Bath time for the munchkin
9:00: Wind down time, warm bottle and hope Paisley's tired enough to go to sleep! :)
10:30: The time I shoot for every night to get to bed, but it rarely works out!
It REALLY happens the same way everyday....The only thing that may change is us either going out to eat (rarely) or Jeff having a baseball game. Other than that, our days are carbon copies of each other! I'm getting way out of my comfort zone by throwing some tennis in there every once in a while. I'm ALWAYS late, and it's always for the same reason.
We're boring, but we like it that way!
"I am invariably late for appointments - sometimes as much as two hours. I've tried to change my ways but the things that make me late are too strong, and too pleasing."
- Marilyn Monroe