March 4, 2009 * 7 lbs. 14 oz. * 21 in. long

March 4, 2010 * 27 lbs. * 32 in. long
Dear Paisley,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! It's hard to believe that you're one year old today! This time last year was a whirlwind, but it was the best time of my life! I don't really remember you being a helpless little baby, but I feel like I've had you for years. I guess you running around like a crazy all day playing and "talking" is clouding up my memory! You are definitely one of a kind, and I can't imagine a day without you.

You woke up a little grumpy today, and you didn't want to let go at daycare. It would have suit me just fine to hang out with you all day, especially since I have the sniffles and didn't want to go to work!

Here is one of my favorite pictures of all time! You were about 5 weeks old.

This year has gone by in a hurry, and there are things that I probably won't remember about it 10 years down the road. But I will remember how much fun and exciting our first year together has been! You have grown up so much in just the last few months, and even though you're still little, I think I've gotten a tiny glimpse of what a beautiful child, young lady, and woman you will be one day. I just hope that if you're lucky enough to have children one day, that you have one as sweet and fun as you are to me and your daddy. We love you Miss P, and hope you have a Happy 1st Birthday!!!
Love, Mama