Yesterday was your first day at a new daycare, and I think you really liked it! There's so much more for you to do and play with, and there are so many more kids your age! According to your "report card", your mood was happy, you ate all your food and didn't even use a bottle all day! You are working on the letter Q, you tried coloring with a crayon, and you like playing with all of your new friends! I couldn't ask for more for a first report card! :) I figured it be a little later in life, but you (really me...) are selling cookie dough for your class now, and for some reason, I feel like a soccer mom already!

When we got home yesterday, I was in the kitchen cooking and you looked up at me and said "no, Mama" just as serious as can be! I'm not really sure what sparked that, but I'm counting it as your first sentence. :) Then when you were getting your bath, you said "Mama, no".....I'm starting to see a pattern here, and I think it would've hurt my feelings had you not been smiling when you said it! You're getting a little too big for your britches missy......
I dropped you off at daycare this morning, and you didn't want to let go. I didn't want to draw out the goodbye knowing it would make it worse, so I just had to leave. I hope you don't hold it against me later, because I would have really rather hang out at daycare with you all day, I promise!
I guess I better get busy so I can get out of here at lunch time. Hopefully that interview at the Child Development Center @ DSU will work out today. Then we can play all day together! Anywho, have fun, and I love you.
Love, Mama