You've had a busy weekend! Saturday, we took you to Asa's 1st birthday party. You had a lot of fun playing with all the other kids there. When it came time for a group picture, of course not all were cooperative...Then, Asa decided you didn't need to have a bow in your hair, and thought it'd be a good idea to try to pull it out...end of photo shoot! :)
You also had your first Easter egg hunt, and I got to meet your little boyfriend, Doty....That's another story....surprisingly, your daddy isn't upset that you are already smitten with a little boy....
Isn't he cute?!? I even found out that I play tennis with his mom. I have connections so watch out missy!
You have been so fussy lately, and now we know why. One of your top teeth finally popped through today. It's weird because it's the same tooth I got first on top...the one next to your big front tooth...It's weird how things that happened to me and your dad when we were little trickle down to you.
I got a new high-tech camera this weekend, and have bugged you to the point where you don't even pay me any attention! Just wait until I am a teacher and have the summers off to chase you around with the camera!!! :)
Here are a few things that you've done or said this week that I didn't get to write about yet:
-You ate your first craft project....the eye off one of the construction paper bunnies you made at daycare (which I later found in your diaper.....)
-You call Doty's name the whole way home and anytime you see a playground
-You like to sit in the recliner and say "weeeee!"
-You learned to say "shhh" and put your finger over your mouth (soooo cute!)
-You have started giving kisses for no reason except because you just want to! (my favorite!)
I promise I am going to do better at this blogging thing, especially now that I have a really good camera and can post pictures of you actually smiling! Sorry, Boo, but I'll probably bug you a lot more with the camera before it's all over!
Love, Momma
Here are a few pictures I took and edited this weekend...
I love this look!

Such an innocent picture....This was before the meltdown! :)