This post is more for me than it is for you. Just about every day when I drop you off at daycare, you ease into a little cry with your arms stretched out for me as I try to slip out the door.....and it never works. But every day I think to myself, "She'll be fine in a few minutes, and she'll have forgotten all about me before long." Then you have a great day and are completely worn out when I pick you up in the afternoons. But today felt like the very first time I had to take you to daycare when you were 6 weeks old. You were sad, I was sad, and I almost just scooped you back up to head home and call in sick to work. But I couldn't, and right now you're probably having a ball while I'm stuck at work wishing I could come get you and go home! So I thought I'd put a few pictures up that make me smile when I look at them, whether it's a funny look or a sweet smile or crocodile tears because you didn't get your way. Either way, you make me smile!

You make my heart flutter, and I work for 5:00 and live for the weekends so I can spend time with you. You're one special little girl, Paisley Rae, and the best part is that you're mine! I love you, baby girl.
Love, Mama