Here lately, I've got SO many things going through my mind that are SO irrelevant to anything going on right now! Like....Will I be a good teacher? Why do I change my blog background every other week? Why am I thinking of baby names when I'm not even pregnant? What would I look like if I were a blond? See....just RANDOM things. Part of it, I think, is because my job is awful (although I'm super thankful to have one!). The other part is because I'd rather be at home hanging out with you, or at a park or the zoo.

All I have to do is make it through the summer! Then all will be perfect again. Here are a few things that need to work out for your dad and me:
-House needs to sell!
-Job needs to come through at a school for me! (and YES, I will be a good teacher!)
It's not much, but it's a lot! If you're anything like me or your daddy, we tend to make small issues big problems. I hope you're better at this than we are. We like to sweat the small stuff sometimes, and it really makes for more gray hair and wrinkles.....which are both bad for a cute little thing like you! :)

Now, what do you think about the name Stanley for a little sister??? That's your pappy's name, and we think it's kinda cute. Kate (Katherine) would be a good middle name since that was my Memaw's name. She was a neat lady that would have loved the heck out of you if she was still around! Your dad and I usually only think about girls' names. We figure since he's athletic, and he's a coach, he's more than likely going to have a house full of girls! That's just how it seems to work out! I guess we'll see when you're old enough to check out your blog! :)

I'm thinking that if your hair turns blond like your daddy's did when he was little, that I'm going to highlight mine blond. At least then you might look a LITTLE bit like me! :) Okay, no, I'm really not because blond is not my color, but it would be neat to see if I could pull it off.

I guess that's it for my head full of random thoughts. I'm sure I'll have more since I'm trying to do anything but work! Have fun today, and I'll see ya later Tater!
Love, Mama