We had a fun week last week. I found out I got accepted in the MAT program for this summer, so this fall I will be a teacher!!! What does that mean for you??? Well, Missy, that means no longer does Mama have to hold y'all back from taking trips, going to the park, or just being lazy. Now, when daycare is closed, I'll be off too. AND we'll have the whole summer off with Daddy to go to the park or the zoo, go camping, or just go hang out with Nana, Pappy, Dede and Bok! I'll be off early in the afternoons to pick you up from daycare and still have enough daylight to do something outside! You don't know anything about it yet, but I'm SUPER excited about it!!!

Last Saturday, we took you on your first picnick, just me, you, and Daddy. We had so much fun watching you run around finding new things to get into.

I couldn't resist getting a picture of your bloomers with the Ole Miss "M" on the bottom! I love this outfit your Dede got you at Cracker Barrel! Well, actually, I just love anything Ole Miss, but anyway.....

You kept wanting to ride in your wagon, and when we weren't pulling you in it, you were pulling it! You would pick flowers (ok, they were weeds, but you thought they were flowers, so we went with it!) and kept putting them in your wagon. Then, when you got back in you would stomp all over them....You have a love/hate relationship with nature, I reckon! :)

Then, you would just sit with your hand in the cooler, watching Daddy cook on the grill. I'm beginning to see a pattern here with your tongue stuck out....It's definitely a Walls' trait! I think you were amazed at the fire....You would go get sticks and bring them to Daddy, almost as if you were helping him with the flame. You are too cute, kid! Everything you do makes me smile, and your poor dad gets so annoyed with me every time I say "look at her" or "watch her" when you're doing something you've done at least a bajillion times already! Sorry, I just can't help it, and hopefully you'll understand one day!

This past weekend, we went to visit the grandparents, had some family pictures taken by my friend Jennifer, and had a surprise birthday party for Uncle Gary. If I was good at this, I would have brought the pictures with me to put on here, but I guess that will just give me something to write about later!
I hope your teeth/gums feel better today, and I hope you're having a great day with Doty! :)
See ya later, Tater!
Love, Mom