This weekend, we went to visit your grandparents and go to Springfest (our annual carnival/concert down on the square). Nana, me, and you went Friday night for a bit to hear some of the bands that came, and you LOVED it! You danced, and clapped, and grinned real big. I was a little nervous at how you would act since I wasn't sure what you'd think of all the noise and all the people, but you did great!!! So we loaded up and went back Saturday to do a little shopping.

Then we went to visit Suzanne (who by the way ran the 5K that morning in 26:01, and then went home and cleaned!!!). Yay for her!!! :) We had just enough time to see Mrs. Mary and Mrs. Linda at the Candle Shoppe, then it was time for a nap. Daddy was visiting his buddy Ryan so the girls go to spend the day together!
Sunday was church day, and I'm so mad I didn't get any pictures because you had on the CUTEST outfit! Nana was playing with you while I was getting ready, and somehow y'all got to saying "hallelujah!" Nana would say it, then you would say it with the same intensity....SOOOOO cute! Yours kind of comes out as "Hey Lula", but it's adorable nonetheless! You even woke up saying it this morning!

Oh, and you like Oreos....
I have to say, I saw that one coming from a mile away!
You got moved to Doty's class at daycare, so dropping you off in the mornings is SOOO much easier now. This morning, we opened the door, and you let out a big "Hey!" with your Miss America wave. It's amazing the difference a few doors down the hall makes!
Anywho, Boo, I'm about to come get ya! Hey Lula! :)
Love ya, Mama