Well, it's Monday, and once again we had a great weekend. I had tennis all weekend, so you and Daddy got to spend some extra bonding time together!

You played Simon Says....

Laid around....

and had some deep conversations.....haha

I love this picture of you asking Daddy for a high five!

You were soooo good at the Racquet Club all day Saturday. You barely fussed or anything, and I was so proud of you! It was so hot, and you were such a trooper just hanging out with your daddy all afternoon watching us play. I just knew as soon as we got home, you would pass out and sleep late in the morning, but boy was I wrong!!!! You fell asleep in the car on the way home, but once we got in.....the Energizer bunny was let loose! You stayed up until almost midnight and woke up talking by 8!!! Whew!
I had to get this picture of you eating. You are so funny sometimes, and you make the silliest faces!

Anywho, tennis pretty much consumed our life this weekend, other than the few minutes I actually cleaned around the house (oh, how I hate cleaning and pray every night I'll wake up and the cleaning fairy would have come and gone! Or at least dusted!)...

It's roughly 104 degrees around here....actually it's only 90-something, but that darn heat index mess is a booger. Summer has officially begun, and so have your days of necked-ness. Yes, I know "necked" should be "naked", but here in MS, we say necked so I spelled necked. (Yes, I actually put "spelt" and had to backspace to put "spelled")....I think one day I'll do an entire post on how we talk around here rather than what is correct. That should be fun!!! :)
Alright, as much as I hate to, I've got to get back to work. I'll see ya later, Tater!