Here's my vent of the day: (It's small, but very aggravating) I just can't get this blog to look like I would like it to. I get so bored that I don't want to pay to have one made that I'll just get sick of in a week. I'm learning to do stuff like make my own headers, and change the layout, and add cute little touches, but I can't quite get the look I want. Done venting....

You are a mess! You, for some reason, like to get in Lexie & Jake's kennel, take out all the blankets, and climb right back out. I haven't figured out just why yet...

Then you climb into your rocking chair, go "weeee" a few times, then jump right back out and clap your hands. Then you go around giving everybody five saying "aw write!" Back to the chair we go....
Most of the time you look just like your daddy, but in the next picture I think you look like your Nana...


I don't have much to say today, but I just wanted to say "hey" and post some pictures. After all, this IS supposed to be a scrapbook! Ha!
I just love this picture.....

Oh, it's time to go....comin' to get ya honey!
Love, Mama