Dear Paisley,
Thank you for such a great Mother's Day yesterday! We didn't do much, but be lazy and go eat Mexican food, but it was still a great day just getting to hang around with you and Daddy. You've been a little under the weather lately, coughing and a runny nose, but you still managed to wake up yesterday morning calling for me. When I got to you, you smiled real big and gave me a hug.....and, yes, my heart melted. With bed-head and morning breath, you were the cutest, sweetest thing I had ever laid eyes on, and that was all I needed for Mother's Day!

You looked so grown just sitting in your car seat. When I asked you to look at me and say "cheese" you said "No, Mama!" and turned your head.....Thanks! Anywho, I figured I wouldn't bother you trying to take pictures since I do it everyday!!! :)

Friday night, we rode with some friends to watch your daddy and the Generals in the AAA Playoffs against Copiah. You were SO good all afternoon and night, and you went right to bed when we got back at 1:30 am! You played, and climbed, and played some more.....

with your tongue stuck out the whole time! (It's a Walls thing because your Uncle Chris, Nate, and Caleb all do it too!)

Saturday, since it was so pretty outside, we went to the playground at our apartment. You climbed....

and slid....

and slid some more!

You had the best time out there, and, of course, in your wagon! Then it was time for a drink and a nap!

We had so much fun this weekend! I definitely see more trips to the slide in our future since you liked it so much. Hopefully the weather will cooperate for us to be able to go this weekend...even though it is only Monday! :(
Have fun at daycare, and I'll see ya later Tater!
Love, Mama