Dear Paisley,
Your baby sister, Swayze Katherine, finally got here yesterday, only five days late! At 2:41 pm on April 15, 2011, you became a big sister to a precious 8 lb. 11 oz. 19 3/4 in. bundle of pure joy!
You love to hold her, and you keep pointing at her saying "baby!" She looks exactly like you did when you were born with a head full of jet black hair and dark olive skin. I can't wait to see how much like you she actually turns out to be! I wonder if her eyes will stay blue like yours and daddy's or if they'll be brown like mine. Or if her hair will stay dark like mine or be light brown/blonde like yours. I can't wait to see the beautiful ladies you two precious girls are going to grow up to be.
From the very first moment I held you two years ago, I have loved you with everything I have and couldn't imagine having the same love for anything or anyone else. But once Swayze was handed to me yesterday, everything I've ever felt for you inside me just doubled! Your daddy and I have two beautiful girls that are perfect in every way and that make us wonder just how we got to be so lucky!
Dear Paisley,
Yes, I know the pregnancy ticker for Swayze is still up, and it says -2 days until she's due. However, your sister has not decided just when she feels like coming into this world. I did go to the doctor yesterday, though, and she's coming by Friday whether she likes it or not! :) That's right, Miss Priss, just a couple more days until you're a BIG SISTER! Ahhhhhh! I'm so excited!!!! :)
Dear Paisley,
Today is Swayze's due date and the day is almost over. Looks like I will be going to work tomorrow with yet another doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon. I've gotten a lot done today - 5 loads of laundry, a semi-clean house, and a little bit of homework. I guess it's a good thing lil sis didn't decide to come today as I obviously had too much to do around here anyway!
A lot of people have been checking on me today which really made the day a less aggravating. I think I'm aggravated because it's like waiting on someone to give you a surprise after they've already said "I've got a surprise for you, but I can't tell you what it is!" Ugh! I hate when people do that! Ha.
Oh, well. Tomorrow is another day and another possibility of having a baby. Maybe I can skip the doctor's office and go straight on to the hospital! Hey, a girl can dream, right?!? :)
Later Tater!