Christmas was better than any of us had imagined it would be. Paisley had the best time going to all of the gatherings and getting to see the whole family. Christmas Eve, we rolled into
Batesville to have Christmas with my parents.

Paisley and Pappy had fun putting puzzles together.....

She got a new pair of kicks that must taste pretty good.....

And she got a Santa headband that didn't stay on very long!

Even Daddy had to try it on!!!

Here is her new
neck roll thingy for when she falls asleep in her car seat. We got so tickled with her wearing this thing!!!
Then, we went to Jeff's parents' house on Christmas Day, and the outcome was much the same.

Her and Daddy opened present after present....It's always that way at DD and
Bok's house!

Finally, she got to where she just sat in the floor and played with the wrapping paper. I guess opening presents was getting tiresome! :)

After a quick Christmas at Jeff's parents' house, it was time to head to the Slaughter Family Christmas. Paisley wanted so bad to play with Aden while he was eating lunch!

Here are the Walls
Grandkids. The Walls' definitely mark their children with the eyes and eyebrows!!! We had all good intentions of getting all the kids in one picture, but Brody had already wandered off the couch and Aden just wasn't into it at all! Nate and Caleb have on the jerseys Jeff got them for Christmas. They both have their name and number on the back, and they just loved them!!! Paisley has on her Ole Miss
cheerleading outfit that Uncle Mike got her. Everyone was laughing and carrying on when we changed her into it when she opened it.

Nate just loves his baby cousin P Rae! He just hugs on her and kisses her all the time and just wants to always be around her. He's definitely a good big cousin!
After eating and visiting with the whole family, it was time to relax a bit. Paisley was exhausted after all the running around and excitement, but she wouldn't take a nap longer than 30 minutes or so. I guess she thought she was going to miss something. She got so many nice things that we put some of it up for her birthday in March.
Speaking of which, I guess I better get started on that! It's coming up faster than I realized!!!!