Friday, October 30, 2009

We're back....

Happy Friday! After a bout with the stomach bug trailing through the family, our household is finally back to normal, well sort of. We've Lysol-ed, Clorox-ed, washed with soap and hot water everything Jeff and I have touched, all to keep Paisley from getting this crud. We've tried to keep it contained to the bedroom, so the healthy one gets the luxurious couch with the baby blanket! Good thing we're all better! I think Paisley is glad to have both of us back to entertain her!

Yesterday, Paisley had her Halloween party at daycare. It was our job to bring cookies, so since we'd been out of commission for a bit, we hit Wal-Mart on the way. Two boxes of cookies and a big orange bow later, we were ready to party! Unfortunately for Paisley, she got to indulge in the goodness of carrots and apples rather than the sugary cookies that the kids with teeth got to eat. Speaking of teeth, Paisley is almost eight months old (Nov. 4th), has been doing the whole drooling constantly thing for about five months, and we still don't have a tooth. I'm guessing we're going to wake up one day and she'll have a full "grill" in her mouth!

Anyway, the party must have been a blast because Paisley was worn out! She fell asleep at 8:00, slept through a diaper change at 10:00, and somewhere in between sucked down a bottle in her sleep. She definitely gets the love of sleep honestly!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Saturday, Paisley and my mom went to the Pumpkin Patch at the Episcopal Church. She got a cute little pumpkin and lots of great pictures!!!

She found out pretty quickly that hay tastes everything else these days, it went straight to her mouth! After the Pumpkin Patch, Paisley and her Nana went shopping. Yahoo!!! She's the third generation of shoppers, so you know it's always going to be an event with us. It's our favorite's what we do! Haha. Good thing we like sales and bargains because we definitely get our money's worth when we shop.

We had a good weekend visiting with Nana, Pappy, DD, and Bok!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Like I said, I like to try to make things, especially since Paisley grows out of everything so fast. Here is an outfit my mom and I tag-teamed on. I've gotten her into helping me make certain things, and since she's more of a seamstress than I am, this was in her department. Here is a pillowcase dress that she made and I monogrammed (oh, and I made the bow too!)....I couldn't find a Generals cheerleading outfit in her size so we had to make something to wear to homecoming. Needless to say, her one of a kind outfit was a big hit!

She is definitely a Daddy's girl.... :)

A little overboard

Ok, so I'm into the whole "lets save money and make our own stuff" phase, and the thing of the week for me is bow-making. Down here in the South, we still do things BIG. Big trucks, big jewelry, and big hair accessories. So, of course, I had to get Paisley in on the ways of the world....We were in the mood for Ole Miss football, so we did a red and navy bow...I got the idea, but I think I took the idea of "bigger is better" a little over board. It really didn't look that big when I was making it, and Paisley really doesn't seem to happy about this either!
Hi. I'm Samantha, and that is Paisley. She is our one and only, spoiled rotten, heart-stealing, perfect little girl. She was born March 4, 2009 and has been non-stop ever since! I created this blog to not only share pictures and milestones with our friends and family, but to have something that she could look at as she grows up and see just how fun the smallest pieces of life really are. I just hope I can catch them before they go by too fast!!!

Anywho, this is our cute little family. Me, our Maltese-Lexie, my husband-Jeff, and Paisley. As you can tell, she looks like her daddy! I'm just getting started on here, but I hope to have daily posts of our life's journey, so STAY TUNED! :)