Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween and Baby Bump

Dear Paisley,
It's Wednesday and we're one day closer to finding out if you're having a little brother or little sister. I go Friday to hopefully find out, as long as everyone cooperates!


We just went from a car to a crossover to accommodate our growing family, and you love the upgrade!  Every time you get in it you say "Watch movie, Mommy!". You look so cute sitting back there with your little headphones on. 

Here's what's been going on lately. Nana posted it earlier, but I wanted to make sure it made it on here. 

"Hey, Miss "P"...just a little note to let you know what you've been doing lately.  You can now count to 10 without skipping any number and say the A B Cs with only mumbling U V W X Y Z.  It is really cute.  You are now saying "no" more, which is not cute, and your momma doesn't like it.  Speaking of your momma, she is 17 weeks with your new little baby.  She's supposed to find out if it will be a sister or a brother this week, so we're all very excited.  As far as Nana is concerned either one will be great.  I know you will be a wonderful big sister to either one.  You are such a sweet little thing and such a joy in mine and Pappy's life."

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