Dear Paisley,
Eating has become your favorite thing to do this last week or so. It might help that you finally have gotten in a couple more nubs on top! You've had your bottom 2 front teeth since you were about 7 months old. Now, you have your top left one next to where the big one goes, the big one next to it finally broke through, and the right one (not the big one, but the one next to it) has broken the skin. If that right big one doesn't come on and catch up, you might be looking like a cute little jack-o-lantern! Every time we walk into the kitchen, you say "eat, eat". Or "cheese" - which I believe you could eat a half of a block of cheese if I'd let you.....Then, about every 30 minutes or so, you walk to refrigerator, pull on the door, and say "dink, dink" or "ju, ju" (That's 'drink' and 'juice' for those who haven't quite mastered the art of Paisley's language!) Haha. I think you just like to have a full cup because you'll put yours down to get another one! Silly little stinker....

That reminds me, I want to let you know all the things you are saying these days!
-Pappy (in a whisper, because you whisper anything that starts with P)
-Bok (you'll look at his picture, point at him and say 'Bok, Bok, Bok')
-Bye bye (which here lately you've just shortened to a cute little 'bye')
-Dance (you say 'dan' every time we get in the car and you start bobbing your head and clapping or trying to snap your fingers! Cute, cute, cute!!!)
-Drink ('Dink')
-Juice ('Ju')
-Weeee (you'll push us out of the recliner and make it rock yourself saying 'Weeee'...you also say it every time you climb on a swing!)
-No (and now every time Lexie wants some of your food you say 'No, Ahah!' You tell me 'No, Mama' and this is also your answer every question!)
-Doty (your cute little friend-boy)
-Duck (which like a lot of things, you say twice...duck,duck)
-Puppy (you started out whispering 'puppy', then you changed it to 'bobby', and now you call your stuffed puppy 'buppy'....I think we're going backward! :)

You also have your own little language that you mumble to yourself, and sometimes you look at me and say, "Mama, *something something something*, my Mama". I'm hoping that is your way of letting me know you love me to pieces and I'm your favorite in the whole wide world! (Hey, I can pretend, right?!?) :)

We got to daycare before Doty today, so you cried and cried when I left you. I know you were better as soon as I walked out the door, but it still doesn't make me feel any better!
I hope you're having a great day, and I'll see ya later Tater!
Love, Mama