Spending this week, well last few days, with Paisley and my family have made me SO want to be a stay-at-home mom! I like working and am so thankful to have a job these days, but it would be oh so nice to be able to stay with Paisley all day!!! We had so much fun visiting with our parents, eating SO much food, and (of course) getting in a little....
ok, a lot....of shopping!

Thanksgiving was wonderful! We spent the early part of the day with Jeff's family eating and visiting. It was the first time all the
grandkids on that side of the family had been together. I tried to get a picture of them all, but Aden didn't feel to well. So, I managed to get plenty of Paisley! Here she is in her Thanksgiving Turkey outfit from

After lunch, we relaxed and got ready for round two at my parents house. After grazing at yet another feast, Mom and I decided to get out of the house and pick up a few things at
Wal-Mart. Paisley got a new hat, and here we are trying it on....she's such a good model!

So she wore it to the South
Panola football game! This is her new smile. She shows off all 1.75 of her teeth and manages to close her eyes every time the flash goes off.

We decided to shop online Black Friday to avoid the mayhem with a 9 month old, and take our time shopping Saturday while my mother-in-law kept Paisley. In our ventures, we found the mother-load of bargains at Babies-R-Us! They had SEVERAL racks of clothes that were already marked cheap, but then they were an additional 50% off! When I saw it, I got a little excited and grabbed an armful, just in case it was true. But then, when I got to the price checker thingy, and a pair of pants rang up $0.80, my heart fluttered and the bargain shopper in me got SUPER excited!!! We managed to put a few things back, but we racked up. You should have seen Jeff and my dad's faces when we got back with a super-sized bag, all for Paisley. But they totally agreed when we told them the prices! I guess men know a good deal when they see it too! :)

She also got a new car seat. My dad calls it her ejection seat since it looks like something in an airplane! She loves this seat. She had outgrown her infant carrier long ago, and now she loves being able to see where she's going.

With all the weather changes, being around everybody during the holiday, and just being little, Paisley has the sniffles, runny nose, and cough....hopefully we can get it all under wraps before it gets worse. I guess we'll just have to snuggle up under the blanket and watch TV